VIEW ODE TO alzheimers

Deborah Timperley
Two glass sculptures - one beautifully colourful, the other all in black - by Deborah Timperley and part of her ode to Alzheimer's series


A glass sculpture of a colourful tree with a green base and a Barn owl perched nearby
A black glass sculpture of a dead bird ontop of a box ebcrusted with jewels - by Deborah Timperley and part of her ode to Alzheimer's series
A glass sculpture of a brain with four gold bullets and two green glass tanks paired with a black glass wasteland -by Deborah Timperley and part of her ode to Alzheimer's series


A black glass scultpure of tanks amongst a wasteland - by Deborah Timperley and part of her ode to Alzheimer's series
A glass scultprue of a jewel encrusted brain -by Deborah Timperley and part of her ode to Alzheimer's series
A black glass scultpure of tanks amongst a wasteland - by Deborah Timperley and part of her ode to Alzheimer's series
A black glass scultpure of tanks amongst a wasteland - by Deborah Timperley and part of her ode to Alzheimer's series